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Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015 focus group videos

Video highlights of focus groups of marketing experts for the Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015

Our survey says...

Marketers and consumers have had their say on email marketing both here in the UK and in a wider global context.

GDMA 2015 results: data's the key, but more measurement and attribution needed

The second annual Global Review of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising (GDMA) groups tracked 3,000 marketers across 17 countries. The trend? That “customer centricity” drives global efforts

GDMA infographic: optimism, customers and data

The results are in. The annual survey of international DMA groups has shown the latest one-to-one trends that concern the globe, and the trends are towards customers, data, and businesses are optimistic  

DMA membership survey

How are we doing? It's the question we're asking you - please take our survey so we know what you think of us, so we can do what we do. But better.
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