DMA | Research, Infographic | Page 48

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GDMA 2015 results: data's the key, but more measurement and attribution needed

The second annual Global Review of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising (GDMA) groups tracked 3,000 marketers across 17 countries. The trend? That “customer centricity” drives global efforts

GDMA infographic: optimism, customers and data

The results are in. The annual survey of international DMA groups has shown the latest one-to-one trends that concern the globe, and the trends are towards customers, data, and businesses are optimistic  

DMA membership survey

How are we doing? It's the question we're asking you - please take our survey so we know what you think of us, so we can do what we do. But better.

Contact centres - we want your views

If you use or have ever used contact centres as part of a marketing campaign, we want to hear from you