Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015 focus group videos | DMA

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Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015 focus group videos


Video highlights of focus groups of marketing experts for the Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015

The Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015, produced in partnership with The Media Octopus, explored the intricacies of acquisition – how, where and when to find customers.

We asked consumers and marketers about their experiences of acquisition over the past 12 months.

We then gathered 12 marketing experts to discuss the statistics. The videos below detail those conversations.

What are the biggest customer acquisition challenges?

Budget is the biggest challenge for customer acquisition (identified by 40% of marketers), followed by internal resources (28%).

But data degradation (20%) and a lack of data (15%t) combined show data is the second-biggest problem for marketers overall.

How effective is social media for acquisition?

Seventy-one per cent of marketers use either paid or organic social media for acquiring customers.

But only 13% of consumers choose it as their preferred contact channel. Does this difference suggest social media is not an appropriate channel for acquisition? Might brands use the channel incorrectly?

This preference rate has increased threefold since 2014, suggesting that consumers are warming to it, possibly as more organisations use it correctly.

What are your top customer acquisition tips for 2016?

Acquisition isn’t easy.

Results of the survey showed that the majority (54%) of marketers recognise that changes in public attitudes will make acquisition even harder.

Find out how our experts recommend marketers approach acquisition in 2016.

Read the full report here

View the infographic here

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