DMA membership survey | DMA

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DMA membership survey


How are we doing? It's the question we're asking you - please take our survey so we know what you think of us, so we can do what we do. But better.

We always want to be better, and the best way for us to do that is by listening to what you have to say about the job we do.

Take the survey

We’re looking for your opinions as a DMA member:

  • Do you know enough about the products, tools and services we offer?
  • Are you getting as much out of the DMA as you would wish?
  • We would also like to hear your thoughts on the performance of DMA staff

Take the survey

Your answers will be kept anonymous and used only to improve what we do for you, and how we support the development of our industry.

What we find out will help us to make the DMA better.

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