DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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timeTo - Code of conduct

Time to change things for the better. The DMA are in full support of the new #timeTo code of conduct, launched in response to an industry-wide report on sexual harassment in the UK advertising and marketing.

Student Marketing Competition Finalists Announced

After a rigorous judging process the three finalists for this year’s Student Marketing Competition sponsored by Royal Mail, have been selected.

Brand Research and Insights - Do I know you?

Brand research is a rather big term that covers a lot, for example de-mystifying things such as concept testing and customer’s expectations. However, it is often dismissed due to time and budget.

Loyalty is dead. Long live loyalty.

Customer engagement agency TMW Unlimited hosted its 12th Influence Session, exploring how both the consumer and brand relationship to loyalty has radically changed over the past decade and introducing current tactics for success in this space.

Testing Marketing Campaigns - Ask your audience

Testing marketing campaigns will help you get your messaging and creatives right for every target audience and purpose. Good campaigns can cut deep to the consumer and engage them in content that is harmonious with their thoughts and beliefs.

Nobody panic

British summertime, news from the French Riviera and 10 questions you always wanted to ask a hooligan. The worth-a-mentions this week, as told by DMA writing manager, Rosanne Stewart.

Google's changed SEO. We share what you need to know.

For our next Breakfast Club on the 19th July we’ll be answering three key SEO questions...

International Fundraising Strategy: Identifying Countries Most Likely to Donate

With more access to data and online panels, your international fundraising strategy can now be more donor-centric and based on real time marketing insights into what influences different types of people.