Google's changed SEO. We share what you need to know. | Google's changed SEO. We share what you need to know. | DMA

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Google's changed SEO. We share what you need to know.


1. What does Google’s Mobile-first index mean for you and what do you need to do to get ready for it?
2. Are you developing or planning a new website? How can you ensure that you won’t lose your hard-earned Google Ranking in the process?
3. If voice search optimisation isn’t already part of your SEO strategy, it’s time to fix that. We can show you how.

The session will be led by:

Dan Watt, Digital Strategy Director - Dan has 12 years of digital marketing experience, including 4 years at Google UK planning and implementing campaigns for retail brands including Amazon, eBay and John Lewis.

Gareth Beck, Head of SEO – Gareth has 15 years of experience optimising websites. He's worked on local and international campaigns, content creation and bespoke analytics for charities, top 50 accounting firms and multi-national businesses.

Arrive at our Bristol office at 8:45am for a 9:15am start, by 11am you’ll leave armed with answers plus a few new connections.

Let me know if you can make it?

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