DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Coronavirus: Chancellor Announces New Business Support for Tier 2 and Above

In response more businesses having to close under the new tiering system, the Treasury has outlined new funding options.

Regulation Hub Update - October 2020

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share, and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.

Brexit: More Worries for Data Adequacy as DCMS Committee Question Experts & ICO is Criticised

Fresh concerns have been raised about data adequacy following this morning's DCMS Committee questioning about last week's EUCJ ruling and new criticisms of the ICO by Irish human rights organisation.

How outsourcing can support post-lockdown resilience and recovery

The right outsource partner can increase your business resilience during in an inherently unstable environment and help you navigate post-COVID obstacles

Sell Yourself Creative Competition with Story UK Winner Announced

Breaking into the creative and advertising industry has never been easy, but feels harder than ever due to coronavirus. Thousands of students graduate from creative advertising courses across Scotland every year and sadly there aren't enough jobs to go round. Competition is fierce, so it’s...

UKAEG Launches 'Made Global' Campaign

A partner of the DMA, UKAEG is launching their ‘Made Global’ campaign, profiling the country’s leading advertising and marketing service companies. The campaign is led by a new two-minute long film, promoting the UK ad industry as a global centre of excellence.

Email - The Primary Driver of Customer Loyalty in a Pandemic

The coronavirus crisis presents the greatest challenge for brands in recent history. Join us to hear from RSPB and Chair of the DMA’s Email Council Lili Boev to find out why email is at the forefront of establishing customer loyalty in our new normal.

Digital Transformation in Times of Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has proved that digital transformation is a business imperative. Tune in on Wednesday 16 September at 3pm to hear from the brands including TwentyCi and We Are Family who altered their business model to succeed within the new normal.

Coronavirus: Contact Tracing App is Privacy-Secure, but Still Has Issues

The verdict: great app, 6 months late, confusing for businesses and individuals, difficult to regain lost trust.