DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Customer Engagement 2020

During Customer Engagement 2020, you'll unpick the theory and dive into the makings of successful and long-lasting customer engagement alongside REaD Group, Bloom & Wild, Paperchase, Collinson, dotdigital, Karmarama, TLC Marketing, Foresight Factory and more.

Coronavirus: Chancellor Announces Further Plans for Business Support

Rishi Sunak announced the furlough scheme would be extended until March.

Selligent: Business Unusual - Empathy, Flexibility and Customer-First Experiences

If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that the unexpected means we must adapt our way of doing business. Tune in for discussion, debate, and leading insights from Selligent and CustomerKind on how a change in consumer behaviour means businesses have changed the way they work.

Coronavirus: England National Lockdown, Furlough Extended

The Prime Minister announced the new measures over the weekend.

DMA Insight: Understanding the Real Impact and Return of Email

A snapshot of our Email Benchmarking Report 2020 – a reliable benchmark for brands, service providers, and agencies to gauge their email performance.

Whose Stories Are We Telling? How to Make Your Content Marketing More Inclusive

As part of DMA Scotland's regional content, guest contributor Louise Shanahan, The Copy Prescription, gives her insights on the power stories can have on promotion. If we want our audience to care enough to do something, they need to feel emotionally invested in the outcome. Read more.

Coronavirus: September 2020 - Business Impacts Barometer

Find out how your organisation fits in with others across the UK data and marketing industry in response to the pandemic. Uncover the findings from the sixth phase of our examination of how businesses have been impacted in September.

Email ROI: Looking After the Little Guy

Commenting on the latest analysis from the DMA on email return on investment, the DMA Email Council’s Guy Hanson shares his advice to those not seeing the returns they might expect.