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DMA Email Council and ISBA: Customer Engagement - Roundtable

How do you gain or maintain relevance with audiences by email in these times of change? In collaboration with the ISBA, the DMA Email Council participated in a roundtable discussion to help the National Trust and Sainsbury’s Bank tackle these challenges.

The Government Door Dropped 30 million Coronavirus Letters to UK Households. Why?

The Door Drop Hub examines the Government’s use of door drops throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: A Record Decline in UK Marketing Budgets

One of the impacts of the Coronavirus has been to cut marketing budgets to their lowest levels in twenty years, according to the latest IPA Bellwether Report for Q2 2020. Read on to find out which areas have been worst hit and what the future might have in store.

Coronavirus: The Post-pandemic Consumer

Many countries are now moving to a post-lockdown phase. What kind of customers should we expect to meet? What are their expectations for the future? How have their needs been altered by the experience of the pandemic? Read on to find out.

Preparing Your Agency for a Post-Pandemic World

How can you ensure your agency not only survives but thrives in a post-coronavirus world? Join Moore Kingston Smith, ENGINE and Wax/On online to find out. Gain valuable insights from experts; listen to a lively panel discussion, and have your questions answered.

Coronavirus: June 2020 - Business Impacts Barometer

Find out how your organisation fits in with others across the UK data and marketing industry in response to the pandemic. Uncover the findings from the fourth phase of our examination of how businesses have been impacted in June.

Regulation Hub Update - July 2020

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.

Direct Mail - Don't call it a resurgence

To say direct mail is having a resurgence would be to deny its steady existence as a vital channel for many retail businesses since the mail order boom years.

Chancellor Outlines 'Mini-Budget'

As part of the Government's strategy out of Coronavirus, Rishi Sunak outlined a number of policies in the so-called 'mini-budget'.