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What happened during DMA Talent's Virtual Big Book Crit

Discover what happened when DMA Talent's Big Book Crit went online for the first time ever during May.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Series: Nick Deyong

Promotigo lead Nick Deyong and his team have developed GuestVisit, a solution to aid hospitality businesses keep track of customers' personal data in line with new government requirements.

Code Worldwide confirmed as sponsors of London's Creative Data Academy

DMA Talent's London Academy will run from Wednesday 23 – Friday 25 September, giving 30 aspiring data-driven marketers the opportunity to learn from industry professionals and discover what working in the industry is like.

Direct Mail: Discover the Power of Physical

Download a new eBook from The Royal Mail MarketReach that explores how to create connections with consumers using direct mail. Championing creativity, tangibility and the ability of print to persuade and delight, Discover the Power of Physical is a revaluation of this key component of the...

ICO Issue Guidance for Businesses Gathering Coronavirus Personal Data

As the hospitality sector opens up this weekend, pubs, cafes, restaurants and hairdressers will have to store personal information of customers in case they need to be alerted to outbreaks.

Thank God It's Friday: A Story of Transforming Business in Lockdown

When People’s Postcode Lottery pulled their annual Charity Gala because of the coronavirus, a remarkable business transformation followed. Julie Paterson, Head of Marketing, talks about how they suceeded, and her hope for the phrase, ‘Thank God it’s Friday,’ to have meaning again soon.
Member Content

Email Benchmarking Report 2020

The latest benchmarks across deliverability, open, click and click-to-open rates are ready. Read on to find out how your email marketing measures up.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Series: Tom Pressley

The Vice President of crisis communications company Everbridge discusses how public warning systems technology can play a role in coronavirus recovery.

DMA Talent's Marketing Challenge 2020: Team Cubed crowned winners

Cubed, a team formed of six students from Northumbria University were crowned 2020 winners last week, discover more about the challenge, the finalists, the winning team and how you can provide the brief for next year's challenge