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DMA Email Council: How to Use Registration Forms to Get Marketing Opt-In

Webinars, whitepapers, free wifi, online events and services are all created for lead generation and customer acquisition. This guide explains how to navigate the legal requirements while still achieving your goals

DMA Email Council and ISBA: Customer Engagement - Roundtable

How do you gain or maintain relevance with audiences by email in these times of change? In collaboration with the ISBA, the DMA Email Council participated in a roundtable discussion to help the National Trust and Sainsbury’s Bank tackle these challenges.

Email Deliverability - Is 98.5% Good Enough?

The DMA’s Email Council review if the stats on ‘what good looks like’ for UK senders when it comes to delivery, open and click rates from our Email Benchmarking Report is really good enough.
Member Content

Email Benchmarking Report 2020

The latest benchmarks across deliverability, open, click and click-to-open rates are ready. Read on to find out how your email marketing measures up.
Member Content

Email Deliverability: A Journey into the Inbox 2020

The beginning of an email’s journey. How strong is your understanding of deliverability? What are the biggest obstacles to achieving good deliverability? How do you measure success? Read on to find out.

DMA Insight: Email Marketers Face Multiple Challenges

What are the challenges marketers face when dealing with their email programmes? Do them come alone or do businesses have to deal with multiple challenges at once? How do they impact email programmes? Here’s your snappy take from our Marketer Email Tracker 2020 report.

Email in Practice: Animation and Real-Time Content

From the DMA’s Email Council, the first in a series of guides showcasing the different innovations happening within email marketing