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Investigating Email: So, How Do Hotmail Users Actually Behave?

Email marketers have long been interested in whether the characteristics of their address owners might vary depending on their inbox provider. Read on as the DMA’s Email Council decide if this rings true.
Member Content

Marketer Email Tracker 2020

Once again marketers reminded us of the multi-faceted role that email plays in the communication between brands and consumers across all stages of the customer lifecycle. Email is not only a transactional channel, but one that can be used to inform and build long-lasting relationships.

Investigating Email: So, What Does a Gmail User Actually Look Like?

Email marketers have long been interested in whether the characteristics of their address owners might vary depending on their inbox provider. Read on as the DMA’s Email Council decide if this rings true.

DMA Insight: Email and the Mature Market

Email remains a core channel to attract and engage customers across the full customer journey. But are there any differences when looking at different age groups? Learn what the more mature cohort think of your emails.
Member Content

Consumer Email Tracker 2020

What do customers think about email? What do they like to receive from brands? What content do they prefer? How can brands get consumers to sign-up and avoid them unsubscribing too? Discover why email is still the most loved channel by customers.

UK Elections - Does Email Point to Engagement . . . or Divorce?

In this post, we’ll look at subscriber engagement - which programs are generating it, and are there any clues to voting intentions!