DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Let's talk Loyalty with Joseph Taylor

Let's Talk Loyalty is an industry podcast for loyalty professionals bringing you the latest ideas and insights from experts around the world. Joseph Taylor, VP of International Operations at Epsilon was the latest guest.

Why consumer trust in more important than ever

Only 34% of consumers trust the brands they use - we all need to work on improving consumer trust. Find out why why consumer trust is more important than ever before, and read how to reassure your customers that you're a brand who can be relied on.

How to stay connected to your customers in tough times

How should you stay connected with your customers when the chips are down? Here are our tips.

Data & Marketing Commission Annual Report 2018-19

We are pleased to share our latest Annual Report for the Data & Marketing Commission. If there is a message running through the report it is one of partnership: partnership with the DMA as the author of the Code and partnership with fellow regulators of data, privacy and marketing practice. This...

Home Assembly: Coronavirus, brands and the ethics of moving beyond compliance

Trust matters, in a time of crisis; how Zoom, IKEA and others are making our privacy concerns a business priority, before it’s too late…

Nutshell Creative and Vpress launches 'Keep calm and communicate' hub to support businesses and communities

Bucks agency, Nutshell Creative, has risen to the United Nation’s (UN) open creative brief to help disseminate reliable public health messages about Covid-19. It has developed an easy to use online resource where businesses and organisations anywhere can access, share, personalise and print...

The COVID-19 contact centre revolution

Our unique snapshot survey of contact centres and their response to #covid19 has shown: - A 40-fold growth in homeworking - 30% of centres experiencing massive changes in contacts - Contact centres recruiting at over twice the rate of the wider economy