Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

DMA Insight: Channel Challenges Between Generations

How do different generations of consumers trust the marketing they receive through different channels? The latest DMA analysis of its customer engagement data reveals the key differences between generational groups. Read on to find out what brands need to know.

Your Call Is Important to Us: A Podcast Series

The DMA Contact Centre Council have launched their new expert-led podcast series, designed to help improve call centre performances and customer service experiences, with interviews, talks, fads, tales of triumphs and debates and more.

Understanding What Drives Email Performance

The publishing, not-for-profit and utilities sectors have all seen declines in their email performance since 2016, according to DMA research. What are the potential factors driving this trend? Saravanan Subburam helps us understand what’s driving email performance by looking through the lens...

DMA Insight: Consumers' Favourite Brands in 2020

Who won the battle for consumers’ hearts in 2020? Has the pandemic shifted people’s affections or have their top brands remained unchanged? Why do some have no attachment to any brand? Here’s our quick take on customer’s favourite brands this year.

Future Trends 2021

The Future Trends 2021 series is finally here. As with previous editions the objective of this collection is to inspire organisations to find innovative and diverse ways to respond to new customer behaviours and desires.

DMA Email Council: How to Use Data Collection to Reduce Advertising Spend

Find out from the Email Council’s Legal and Deliverability hub how to keep your customers coming back for more, insights on how to make the most of data collection, and ways to minimise advertising spend.

Customer Engagement: How to Win Trust and Loyalty 2020

Our dig into customer loyalty. The last time our Customer Engagement research investigated this topic was 2018. And this time, we conducted it amid one of the most dramatic shifts our generation has ever lived and worked through.

DMA Insight: Understanding the Real Impact and Return of Email

A snapshot of our Email Benchmarking Report 2020 – a reliable benchmark for brands, service providers, and agencies to gauge their email performance.

Investigating Email: Getting Returns On Email

Marketers’ estimate of the returns for every £1 spent on email remained strong in 2020, but what do the most successful programmes look like and the organisations that are running them? Read on to find more about how and which businesses are getting the best return on their emails.