Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

Email ROI: Looking After the Little Guy

Commenting on the latest analysis from the DMA on email return on investment, the DMA Email Council’s Guy Hanson shares his advice to those not seeing the returns they might expect.

The Power of Social: A Podcast Series

The DMA Social Media Council have launched their new expert-led podcast series: explore the importance and insights of social in 2020 with interviews, discussions and debates, success stories, and more.

Loyalty and CRM in a New World

Experts from charity, travel, financial services, and retail sectors came together to share the challenges around customer loyalty throughout the pandemic. Read the detailed overview of the roundtable discussion from the DMA Customer Engagement Committee.
Sep 17

Webinar: Email - The Primary Driver of Customer Loyalty in a Pandemic

The coronavirus crisis presents the greatest challenge for brands in recent history. Join us to hear from RSPB and Chair of the DMA's Email Council Lili Boev to find out why email is at the forefront of establishing customer loyalty in our new normal.

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DMA Email Council and ISBA: Customer Engagement - Roundtable

How do you gain or maintain relevance with audiences by email in these times of change? In collaboration with the ISBA, the DMA Email Council participated in a roundtable discussion to help the National Trust and Sainsbury’s Bank tackle these challenges.

Email Deliverability - Is 98.5% Good Enough?

The DMA’s Email Council review if the stats on ‘what good looks like’ for UK senders when it comes to delivery, open and click rates from our Email Benchmarking Report is really good enough.

The Government Door Dropped 30 million Coronavirus Letters to UK Households. Why?

The Door Drop Hub examines the Government’s use of door drops throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: The Post-pandemic Consumer

Many countries are now moving to a post-lockdown phase. What kind of customers should we expect to meet? What are their expectations for the future? How have their needs been altered by the experience of the pandemic? Read on to find out.
Member Content

Email Benchmarking Report 2020

The latest benchmarks across deliverability, open, click and click-to-open rates are ready. Read on to find out how your email marketing measures up.