Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

DMA insight: Acquisition and the consumer mindset

How do customers find out about new products and services? How do they prefer to receive messages from new companies? Our latest insight puts you in the mindset of the customer to help your organisation attract new business the right way.

Centennials are officially in the game

A new generation is here and is driving real, immediate changes in the marketplace. Understanding Centennials, how they behave and what they believe is a must for every marketer, don’t miss the boat

Customer Engagement: The latest IDM training

Learn how to carry your most important people - your customers - with you every step of the journey your business takes with the latest IDM training

Big sports event, big data opportunity

Why data-driven campaigns are a great way of boosting engagement during popular sports fixtures like the UEFA Champions League final.

Three-quarters of Brits are loyalty card-holders - But be wary of younger customers

YouGov and Mando-Connect analyse UK shoppers' affinity for loyalty programmes: British women, more than men, love being rewarded by their favourite brands. Now business need to win young shoppers' hearts.

Be more toddler

Looking for an innovative way of sparking improved customer engagement? Try embracing your inner child.

Why AI is this year's key fashion trend

Data and bots are transforming the way clothing retailers engage with consumers.

Augmented reality: emerging routes to engagement

New research from Mintel investigates the emerging uses of augmented reality - and how an increasing number of sectors are adopting AR.

The American Apparel guide on how to make a comeback

American Apparel is attempting to revamp its identity, embracing its past while ushering in desperately needed change. But what caused this drastic need for an overhaul?