DMA | Research, Infographic | Page 37

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Are marketers choosing short-term tactics over long-term strategy?

Latest insight from the IPA and ISBA highlights that marketers may be overly focused on short-term tactics at the expense of long-term strategy, making efforts to improve marketing effectiveness significantly more challenging.

DMA insight: New channels for acquisition

What are the technologies and business models that brands can leverage when approaching an acquisition strategy? This and more in our latest insignts about new channels for acquisiton.

DMA insight: Acquisition and the consumer mindset

How do customers find out about new products and services? How do they prefer to receive messages from new companies? Our latest insight puts you in the mindset of the customer to help your organisation attract new business the right way.
Member Content

Annual inserts industry report 2018

Latest industry research reveals newspaper inserts slip below magazine and third-party volumes for the first time, while an overall reduction in insert volumes is also explained by an increasingly targeted approach by the marketing industry.

Centennials are officially in the game

A new generation is here and is driving real, immediate changes in the marketplace. Understanding Centennials, how they behave and what they believe is a must for every marketer, don’t miss the boat

IDM Professional skills census 2018

We asked marketers about the skills they use day-to-day and those that will be needed to reach the next stage in their careers.
Consent Preferences