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Data & Diversity: You can't change what you don't measure

While some believe that diversity in the workplace is as simple as meeting the required quotas for employee race and gender, it’s much, much more than that. You must dig deeper. How can you get a real and accurate picture of your workforce? Have a look at the new tool that SurveyMonkey and...

Connecting the dots: customer first, data first

Talking to Business Reporter, Jed Mole from Acxiom discusses how businesses can build a true picture of the consumer, lawfully and ethically

DMA insight: Consumer privacy - the global view

Our latest DMA research, created in partnership with Acxiom and Foresight Factory, investigates consumer attitudes to privacy in 10 nations worldwide.

Email Marketing Industry Census: Hot topics and challenges

Marketing automation and personalisation still keep marketers up at night but there are new bed bugs ready to bite.

DMA insight: GDPR - a new beginning

The GDPR is here. We surveyed the state of the industry as the new legislation landed with the fifth iteration of our investigative series into preparedness for the GDPR.
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