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Email Deliverability: A Journey to the Inbox

Deliverability best practices – how much do marketers know about them? But most importantly, does any of this knowledge turn into real actions? Download our latest report and learn more on how the adventurous email journey starts.

Seven Irrational Opportunities

Welcome to the second article of our mini-series dedicated to Behavioural economics. Today we’ll present a brilliant round-up of inspirational ideas, from The Behaviours Agency.

What are your Customers Thinking?

The irrationality of the customer is like butter on the marketers' daily bread. So, Behavioural Economics has become more critical than ever before, and at the forefront of every marketing mind. In this first instalment of our new article series, we'll introduce you to the founders of this...

Data: All Mouth and No Trousers?

“A book is only read by someone who knows how to read.” Forrester’s view on the value of data literacy.
Member Content

Future Trends: The Over 60's Home

Longer life expectancy doesn’t only change what we do, it changes what we like and feel. We focused on customers after their 60th birthday, trying to understand what characterises them and their lives. This is when The Home becomes the space where personal, social and working life, gather...
Member Content

Understanding In-Housing: Bringing Marketing Functions Home

In-housing is something increasingly discussed in the data and marketing industry – often, because it challenges the transparency of some agency practices. We partnered with Mailjet to delve a little deeper into how and why brands are in-housing key marketing functions by exploring the...