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StyleSnap will Empty Your Pockets

Just like shopping at Amazon’s online store, Amazon Go or Whole Foods, StyleSnap is the latest example of how Amazon leverages artificial intelligence to make a difference in the lives of their customer base.

Business Skills Census 2019

Last year we asked marketers to identify those skills they believe fundamental to their current and future career. We consulted them once again to identify the skills and challenges that are important to their businesses’ success.
Member Content

Future Trends: The Homeworker

We no longer need to be in a specific place to do something or talk to someone. In this second article of the Future Trends series we'll see how the concept of ‘working’ is no longer constricted to the ‘office’ and leaving the home for work is no longer necessary.
Member Content

Future Trends: The New Home

The first of the Future Trends series' article is out. We aim to support brands and businesses keen to understand and address customers’ real and relevant needs. Read on and dig into the world of The Home - you'll learn what consumers are increasingly looking for within the boundaries of...

Future Trends: The Home Evolution

The world is changing and so are our needs. Customers’ behaviours are approaching unexplored horizons and marketers need to learn more about them. In this series of Future Trends articles we’ll explore what is next for Customer Engagement. Ultimately, we aim to support brands and...

Loyalty is Dead...Long Live Loyalty

A Friday thought. Has a generational shift meant the death of loyalty? Or has it simply evolved, leaving brands to catch-up with customers demand in order to stay relevant?