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Future Trends: A New World of Experience

The second article of our Future Trends 2020 series will focus on the intersection between customer personalisation and the use of new technologies or strategies such as VR and AR or gamification.

Better Marketers = Better Businesses

What capabilities drive marketing excellence? Two studies show the critical impact that ‘soft’ investments, such as training, have on key performance indicators, independent of industry.
Member Content

Future Trends: Speak and Listen

In the first article of our Future Trends 2020 series we will analyse brands voice-strategy and how this channel is destined to become a significant point of interactions between brands and their consumers.

Future Trends 2020

Welcome to our Future Trends series, part of our 2020 Customer Engagement campaign in collaboration with Paragon, Collinson, dotdigital and in partnership with Foresight Factory.
Member Content

Consumer Email Tracker 2020

What do customers think about email? What do they like to receive from brands? What content do they prefer? How can brands get consumers to sign-up and avoid them unsubscribing too? Discover why email is still the most loved channel by customers.

DMA Insight: Trust Must Remain Top of Marketers' Agenda in 2020

In every relationship trust is difficult to build and nurture. When thinking about the connection between brands and their customers, gaining and maintaining trust is still one of the biggest challenges. Intelligent marketing and transparent use of data are the keys marketers must use to gain...
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