DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Marketing in a post-GDPR world: what's changed?

In an increasingly data-driven world, the GDPR aimed to give consumers more control over their data and protect them from privacy and data breaches. How are we faring so far?

Notes from the Big Debate

Marketers, experts, and email enthusiasts gathered together on Monday 10 July to discuss and debate a very important question: How relevant are marketing emails? This event was sponsored by Pure360

Why businesses cannot ignore the health of their data

Salesforce estimates that 91% of CRM data is incomplete and 70% of that data deteriorates and becomes inaccurate annually. This suggests that businesses aren't paying sufficient attention to the health of their data and that cannot be without consequence. The impact on individuals concerned and...

DMA 2019 Email Tracker Launch

Gavin Laugenie looks at the DMA email tracker 2019 report and explains why you should, in fact, send more emails!

Regulation Hub Update - July 2019

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.
Dice with letters spelling out rules and regulations

The GDPR Mindset - A Case Study

The GDPR has a wide scope of influence. The legislation is a mind-set that, once adopted, influences everyday life in ways you may not have considered.

ICO pulls no punches in new report into adtech

The regulator’s report says the adtech industry is illegally profiling the internet

GDPR: A Year On

GDPR is now a year old. Let's take a detailed look into the cultural shift that's taken place, and the change of opinion.

Public affairs at the DMA: what we do

A key part of the DMA’s work is representing and furthering the interests of our members in politics, policy, the wider industry and beyond. But what does that mean in practice?