DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Turn on, Tune In, Sign Up - Get your marketing consent form on the right track

What motivates consumers to sign up to brands’ CRM programs? Are these motivations reflected in your marketing consent form? And how do you ensure that your customers will be inspired to keep engaging with your marketing communications?

Think Digital. But Don't Forget The Print

One can see the appeal of digital marketing. It’s cheap, it’s measurable, it’s modern, and it’s chic. But it’s not always the best way to promote your business. After all, when was the last time you heard someone say how much they loved a pop up ad?

Fines for directors responsible for nuisance calls

The Government are consulting on new enforcement measures

The importance of maintaining the free flow of data between the EU and UK

The UK is seeking a new bespoke data deal with the EU

âAward winning work is more than just a trophyâ

New analysis reveals that winning an Award delivers long-term success to agencies

DMA North Council announce partnership with Prolific North

Some things just go together… like milk and honey, rhubarb and custard, Kate and Will and we’ve recently added another to the list; the DMA and Prolific North.

GDPR and Doordrop FAQs

If you have been wondering what GDPR means for print media then read on. The DMA Print Council have produced a handy set of FAQs on why what life after GDPR looks like for Doordrops and why they are compliant.

Newspaper inserts slip below magazine and third-party insert volumes for first time

Latest industry research reveals an overall reduction in insert volumes due to more targeted approach by the marketing industry

The Psychology Of Colour In Email Marketing

We all realize that colours can have different effects on our mood, and marketers have always been using this in branding and advertising. Leveraging how colours can affect emotions is vital for the success of your marketing strategy and efforts.