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GDPR is Here: What Next for Marketers?

Your opt-in campaign has been sent, your preference centre has been refreshed and your brand new GDPR consent management workflows are now live. What now?

Global Marketing Insights: What's an international issue?

In global marketing, as in all types of creative testing and concept testing, you often find that people’s opinions differ. These differences need to be assessed and evaluated before you start a global marketing campaign...

Holyrood update

While the main focus has been on Westminster over the past few weeks, plenty things of note have been happening north of the border

Direct Mail: The Bottom Line

Remember when they launched the Kindle and everyone predicted paper books would die? It didn’t happen. And remember when they said emails would kill off direct mail? That didn’t happen either.

Why GDPR Is Nothing To Fear

Data protection. It’s the big issue everyone’s talking about. And with the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) arriving in May, it’s a problem looming large in boardrooms across the country.

Never Write Off Print

So if you’ve got something important to say, and want to show customers they’re important, make sure you put it in print.

A Complete Beginner's Guide to Email Automation

Despite the plethora of tools available to marketers, it can’t be denied that email marketing is one of the most powerful and effective ways to connect with your audience on a human level. Email marketing remains an extremely popular and effective tool, offering high ROI, high conversion...

International Marketing Research - Financial affluence and wealth perception

“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (1926)