Fines for directors responsible for nuisance calls | DMA

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Fines for directors responsible for nuisance calls


In May 2018 the Government announced a new measure to crack down on the scourge of nuisance calls.

This is a major issue for Members of Parliament who regularly receive phone calls and emails from disgruntled constituents who’ve been on the receiving end of nuisance calls.

The DMA has been able to very successfully differentiate rogue outfits from legitimate marketers in the minds of MP’s but it remains a problem nonetheless.

The proposed new rules would mean directors could be held directly accountable when their company breaks the rules to make nuisance calls.

At the time, Minister for Digital, Margot James said: “for too long a minority of company directors have escaped justice by liquidating their firms and opening up again under a different name. We want to make sure the Information Commissioner has the powers she needs to hold rogue bosses to account and put an end to these unwanted calls.“

In the future, the ICO would be able to impose £500,000 fines on directors by amending the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations or PECR for short.

The DMA broadly supports the changes and has been calling for similar action for some time. However, fines should be issued for the most egregious breaches of the law by those rogue directors that willing flout the rules in order to turn a quick profit.

For too long have rogue telemarketers dragged the sector into disrepute and this change should deter people from considering breaking the law.

Please, get in touch to let us know your thoughts regarding the proposed change.

Email our external affairs manager, Zach Thornton:

Link to the consultation.

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