DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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UKâs Creative Industries are alive and well

Figures from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) reveal the UK’s Creative Industries are very much alive and well, with the ad and marketing sector leading the way.
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The last in our series of webinar questions to be answered

The final questions from consent and legitimate interest webinar answered, covering a variety of topics. 
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What to do with your legacy data?

Marketers are worrying about what the GDPR will mean for their database.
Member Content

What is the future for third party data providers?

The GDPR is coming down the track and it will mean significant changes for third party data.

Teamwork: Come together in sweet creativity

David Ogilvy wasn’t a fan and the chances are that you are sick of hearing the term being bandied about. But teamwork is where it’s at, and that must be good for creative souls, right?

GDPR Series - Personally identifiable information

Join us for a webinar to consider what counts as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) under the GDPR when it comes into force in 2018.

From Brexit to Grexit

What's happening in the world of advertising and marketing, with a special focus on the Brexit vote and its fallout

Award wins are more than just a trophy, they deliver higher return on investment too

Analysis of DMA Award entries reveals what it means and takes to create a winning campaign

UK marketing industry remains strong, despite Brexit uncertainty

The result of the EU referendum has created uncertainty for our industry. Politicians in the UK and across the EU are starting to come to terms with what the implications of Brexit might be, but clarity is something we will have to wait for.