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Rory Sutherland on shopping, telemarketing and Daniel Kahneman

Watch part one of a two-part interview by SharpEnd's head of strategy Michael Bayler with Ogilvy and Mather's UK vice chairman, Rory Sutherland

Dave Trott on the tussle between technology and creativity

One of the most respected members of the advertising establishment, Dave Trott, founded GGT, Bainsfair Sharkey Trott and CST (now part of The Gate), and written several books including 'Predatory Thinking'

Online, offline - mail matters

Mail not only cuts through digital clutter, but can act as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds according to the DMA and Ricoh research Mail Matters

Pull 2015: The (Beta) Internet of Things

A deconstructed discussion on the Internet of Things, following LBi's Simon Gill at Pull 2015

Pull 2015: To ROI or not to ROI

The opening session at Pull 2015 explored two areas – ROI and attribution

Dip-Hop musical pizza, eye-tracking and using new tech effectively

Drones, QR codes and Oculus Rift: is it all really necessary? 