DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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DMA Talent's NeuroDiversity training session Edinburgh

I was excited to attend DMA Talent’s NeuroDiversity training session at the Bayes Centre in Edinburgh earlier this month.

DMA Scotland meeting with Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Brexit, Michael Russell MSP

DMA Scotland is engaging with the Scottish government to help prepare the Scottish data and marketing sector for the impact of Brexit

Scotland's drive to harness the true value of data

The DMA's MD Rachel Aldighieri writes in The Scotsman about the importance of why DMA Scotland is working on initiatives and research to establish the value of data to the Scottish economy

SNP Conference 2018: the roundup

To round off party conference season, I went to Glasgow to represent DMA Scotland at the SNP conference

Day Dream Believers - an inspiring pilot from Edinburgh College

Daydream Believers is a programme for secondary school pupils that develops entrepreneurial thinking by promoting problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. Through the sharing of expertise from employers, teachers, lecturers and student ambassadors we aim to facilitate new experimental...

Nicola Sturgeon, Caroline Fairburn and Ruth Hunt at the CBI Annual Scottish Dinner: diversity and innovation key to Scotland's economy

The CBI's annual dinner saw keynote speeches touched on future challenges and what will be the key areas of investment needed to weather the Brexit storm.

DMA Scotland welcomes the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal

The agreement signed by the Prime Minister, First Minister, local government heads and universities seeks to make Edinburgh the ‘data capital of Europe’.

Creative Data Academy: Georgie Kemp's Experience

Marketing graduate Georgie Kemp was one of this year’s 30 students at DMA Talent's Creative Data Academy in Edinburgh. Read on to find out about her experience.

Creative Data Academy Edinburgh

Scotland's reputation for data excellence continues to grow as does the talent generated from Creative Data. Find out what happened when we visited Edinburgh for the 2nd year.