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Acquisition and the consumer mindset 2018

What are the key drivers that cause customers to switch from one brand to another? Do consumers love subscriptions? How do people look at new technologies like smart assistants, AR and VR? Read our latest research.

DMA insight: hitting your email goals

We learned things are going pretty well with your email campaigns, but are you looking for a few more pointers? Get top tips from our latest bite-size infographic.

Automation and intelligent marketing is transforming how we engage customers

New research from IBM and National Retail Federation discusses the implications and challenges of a more automated and intelligent marketing future for brands, with skills being the key to making these aspirations a reality.

DMA insight: What winning emails look like

Consumer preferences and technology are constantly in flux, but email continues to come out on top – keep reading to find out why

DMA insight: The impact of GDPR on email marketing

No pain, no gain. Despite the challenges that GDPR may have brought to marketers, it’s clear that the new regulations have made an impression on consumers. Keep reading to find out more.