DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Marketing in a post-GDPR world: what's changed?

In an increasingly data-driven world, the GDPR aimed to give consumers more control over their data and protect them from privacy and data breaches. How are we faring so far?

Stop giving clients what they want

If there’s one thing that’s sure to kill creativity, it’s letting your client call the shots.

How The Art Of Listening Will Help You Grow Your Business

Listening and talking may be a dying art. A moribund form of communication, superseded by emails, text and tweets both in a private and professional environment. However, these crucial skills can boost your new business efforts. Read on to see why.

Why businesses cannot ignore the health of their data

Salesforce estimates that 91% of CRM data is incomplete and 70% of that data deteriorates and becomes inaccurate annually. This suggests that businesses aren't paying sufficient attention to the health of their data and that cannot be without consequence. The impact on individuals concerned and...

Voice Search: the Stats Behind the Hype.

This is a talk I gave recently to the DMA regional council on the commerial opportunities for voice search.

Access to JICMAIL Discovery is changing

From 29h July 2019 you will need to be a Subscriber to access the data through JICMAIL Discovery.

The GDPR Mindset - A Case Study

The GDPR has a wide scope of influence. The legislation is a mind-set that, once adopted, influences everyday life in ways you may not have considered.