DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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An Open Letter To Data Brokers

MyLife Digital prides itself on being at the forefront of people-centric data solutions. We welcome action that encourages data brokers to improve the current opaque practices regarding personal data processing and move towards ethical data broking.

Do you always have confidence and trust in your data to make important marketing decisions?

We live and breathe data in order to fulfil many tasks and functions at work however, do we always trust in the data? Usually when companies work in silos, their data is in silos and so is the reporting. So if data and reporting are disconnected, does that mean the marketing is impacted as a...

The Business Benefits of Message-First Marketing

Part of DMA North's regional content, guest contributor Andrew Nattan, Partner at copywriting agency Hampson Nattan Williams, talks about the key driver of sales in any marketing campaign: the message. Check out his five commandments for great copy and successful marketing, and more.

A Summer of Staycations: Summer 2021 The Guide

As another Summer at home looms, we wanted to help make Summer 2021 a little bit brighter for brands and consumers alike. In our guide find our cost effective way to reach this lucrative audience.

Winning New Customers with Homemover Data

Homemover data currently represents one of the most significant opportunities to turn data into profit. Edit’s latest whitepaper ‘Winning new customers with homeover data: Driving results in a growing market’ explains how you can leverage this lucrative market.

CX trends 2021 - Where do you go from here?

Following a disruptive and unpredicatable year, we asked a host of experts what trends businesses should be focusing on in 2021

Tackling diversity and inclusion in the creative sector

For a long time the creative sector has generally believed that it should embrace all forms of diversity but in respect of race and ethnicity it seems that real improvement has only been marginal. How is it that the sector that has communication and behaviour change as its fundamental purpose...

2021: A shift in our Mindset

This year has certainly been one of uncertainty and change for the creative and marcomms sector. Are we now leaner and better equipped for the future? What changes did we make that we should remember as we begin our journey into 2021?

DMA Accreditation: More Than Just Membership

Our new DMA logo allows Members to demonstrate to their audiences their commitment to responsible marketing and customer-first principles. Find out how the badge can further protect your brand and build trust.