DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Selling in uncertain times

In the current climate, buyers are more cautious, taking time to qualify their choices, and consulting a higher number of information sources before making any purchase decision. We list eight recommendations for selling in uncertain times.

How third-party inserts can maximise your media mix and reach new audiences

Article about how third party inserts can maximise media mix and reach new audiences - case study included from one of our telecomms clients.

Its Time to Recognise and Celebrate Responsible Marketing

The DPN and DMA, with the support of DM Trust, are running the Rosemary Smith Award for Responsible Marketing. We need to focus on open and transparent marketing to build back customer trust: This award recognises those marketing heroes.

The Value of Direct Mail Marketing in E-Commerce

E-commerce business owners naturally focus their marketing efforts online, especially if they don’t have a physical store counterpart of their e-commerce site, but what alternatives are there?

Direct mail firm gears up for growth with two new recruits

Flow Group has appointed two new members of staff to coincide with their growth plans for 2021.

JICMAIL Webinar: Q3 2020: News, tools and insight for mail in 2021

Following record breaking mail interaction figures during lockdown, this JICMAIL webinar brings you all of our latest news and updates including: Q3 data release, guest speakers, the new JICMAIL Accreditation scheme and two new tools for subscribers.

Why phone-qualified leads are the key to revenue creation

Lead qualification over the phone provides a more intelligent and strategic approach that can be carried out by sales specialists, freeing up your most valuable sales resource to focus on the closing stage.