Customer Engagement | Join the DMA

Customer Engagement

It seems obvious. If you build a rapport with your customers, and you have something they want, then they will buy from you again and again. We want to know what builds this rapport. We know creativity, data and technology are factors but we don’t know how the interplay works. That’s why we developed our Customer Engagement campaign, to find out what makes brilliant engagement, for the benefit of marketers and consumers everywhere.

Better engagement means better business.

One in four name Amazon as their favourite retail brand

Online retailer beats high street stalwarts for the top spot, according to the DMA’s Customer Engagement research

UKâs Creative Industries are alive and well

Figures from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) reveal the UK’s Creative Industries are very much alive and well, with the ad and marketing sector leading the way.

James Moffat: The only constant

James Moffat, executive director at The Organic Agency describes how change is more than something to expect, it underlies everything marketers do at the DMA Customer Engagement event in June 2016
Member Content

The new rules of engagement

Read the new research report into why relevancy is more important than personalisation, and the redefined relationship consumers are looking for.

Virtual engagement: real desire

DMA research into retail engagement shows brand loyalties are eroded by newer ways to shop, and consumers want new ways to interact

Consumers do not consider themselves loyal

New research by the DMA suggests consumers do not consider themselves loyal.

Introducing Customer Engagement

The DMA has launched a major new campaign to explore what makes excellent customer engagement, and will include major events, groundbreaking research and more
Member Content

Lifting the lid on the language of customer engagement

The DMA launches a new campaign exploring what makes for excellent customer engagement – now and in the future. We’ve made a short video examining the language of engagement: how do customers express themselves as they interact with businesses and brands?

A qualitative look at the language of customer engagement

As a first step to our upcoming Customer Engagement research, we conducted a study to look at the ways in which people talk about shopping, buying and brands.