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Meaningful Marketing Measurement 2021

The first report on the marketing effectiveness insights that have been uncovered through analysis of the newly created DMA Intelligent Marketing Databank.

Email Benchmarking Report 2021

Correctly used, email metrics form part of a virtuous circle of improvement. The DMA’s Email Benchmark Report 2021, sponsored by Validity, analyses data from a cross-section of the industry to provide an overview of the email’s key success measures.

Investigating Email: IP Addresses - It's Good to Share...Sometimes!

A correct sending infrastructure is a crucial factor in email delivery and deliverability.The choice between whether to use shared or dedicated IP addresses is an important decision that the programme owner needs to address and handle carefully. Here we discuss the pros and cons of both worlds.

Industry Diversity: Discussing Growth Opportunities

How can we improve the industry’s retention and progression of talent? In 2020, the DMA and Culture Heroes conducted an industry survey aimed at understanding how to develop and implement strategies to encourage more inclusive work environments.

Marketer Email Tracker 2021

During the pandemic email has proven vital for businesses to communicate with customers. The restrictions in place have benefitted the channel with bigger budgets and an increased ROI. Discover more about the health of email in an unprecedented year in UK data and marketing.

Data and Marketing Opportunities - The Skills to Start Over

What does the recruitment landscape look like for data and marketing roles? What will it look like in a years’ time? Find out how the pandemic has impacted the opportunities for new talent, now and in the future, and what the industry can do to turn the corner.