DMA | Research, Infographic | Page 39

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Three-quarters of Brits are loyalty card-holders - But be wary of younger customers

YouGov and Mando-Connect analyse UK shoppers' affinity for loyalty programmes: British women, more than men, love being rewarded by their favourite brands. Now business need to win young shoppers' hearts.

Who, what and when: targeted, relevant and timely marketing

Matt Lawson and Laura Boudin discuss how new data and integrated technology can give marketers a more comprehensive view of their customers.

Augmented reality: emerging routes to engagement

New research from Mintel investigates the emerging uses of augmented reality - and how an increasing number of sectors are adopting AR.

The data explosion: collection and refinement of consumer data

New research from McKinsey investigates how businesses can derive value from the mountain of consumer data, by collecting the right data and refining it adequately.

GDPR: European legislation, global concerns

The GDPR is fast approaching and marketers are expressing their concerns. We review the latest research in to attitudes to the new legislation from NetApp.
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