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Investigating Email: So, What Does a Gmail User Actually Look Like?

Email marketers have long been interested in whether the characteristics of their address owners might vary depending on their inbox provider. Read on as the DMA’s Email Council decide if this rings true.

Understanding Podcasts: An Interview with The Cycling Podcast II

Podcasts are surging. They offer relevance and act as a trusted source of ads – according to consumers. To grow your understanding of the growth opportunities and podcast best practice dig into this second part of a two-part chat with the founders of the trailblazing ‘The Cycling Podcast’.
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Future Trends: Paid-for Loyalty

After the analysis of brands’ voice strategy and personalisation through new technologies and strategies, the Future Trends series will explore the paid-for loyalty world.

Understanding Podcasts: An interview with The Cycling Podcast I

Podcasts are surging. They offer relevance and act as a trusted source of ads – according to consumers. To grow your understanding of the growth opportunities and podcast best practice dig into this, the first part of a two-part chat with the founders of the trailblazing ‘The Cycling...
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While the data and marketing industry has clearly been aware of, understood and implemented the necessary strategies to comply with GDPR, there has been some concerns about small and medium-sized businesses. This research will provide you with the essential insights to gather a full picture of...

DMA Insight: Email and the Mature Market

Email remains a core channel to attract and engage customers across the full customer journey. But are there any differences when looking at different age groups? Learn what the more mature cohort think of your emails.
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