Great British Creativity
It began with the writers and a fight for the power of the word.
Now we’re bigger and we want you along for the ride.
Add your voice to our mission to prove the value of creativity in UK business, government and society today.
Welcome to the campaign for great British creativity.
31 Jan 2021
Craft in the Age of Coronavirus
Our new series, Craft in the Age of Coronavirus, shines a light on creatives educating, entertaining, and encouraging us throughout the pandemic, keeping us informed – and inspired. A huge thank you to our talented contributors for sharing the process behind their creative work.
18 Jan 2021
Creative Diversity #1: Tips and Resources for Female Creatives
We've launched our Creative Diversity series, and our first interview features writer and business entrepreneur Nicci Talbot. Find out how she's helping to build the profiles and businesses of female creatives, and download our PDF packed with tips and resources.
04 Dec 2020
Craft in the Age of Coronavirus - On Copywriting with Vikki Ross
In the most recent article of our series, Craft in the Age of Coronavirus, Vikki Ross shares her insights on copy inside and outside covid comms. Read what the renowned copywriter has to say, from how to excel at writing copy to her favourite pandemic campaigns.
30 Nov 2020
How Marketers Can Spark Customer Creativity Through Content
As part of DMA Scotland's regional content, guest contributor Kathryn Strachan, Founder & Managing Director, Copy House gives her insights on how to spark customer creativity.
26 Nov 2020
Can We Market Our Way Out of This Mess?
As part of DMA Scotland's regional content, guest contributor Lou Kiddier, AlwaysBeContent gives her insights on why we first change our markets and what marketing means.
28 Oct 2020
Whose Stories Are We Telling? How to Make Your Content Marketing More Inclusive
As part of DMA Scotland's regional content, guest contributor Louise Shanahan, The Copy Prescription, gives her insights on the power stories can have on promotion. If we want our audience to care enough to do something, they need to feel emotionally invested in the outcome. Read more.
01 Oct 2020
Sell Yourself Creative Competition with Story UK Winner Announced
Breaking into the creative and advertising industry has never been easy, but feels harder than ever due to coronavirus. Thousands of students graduate from creative advertising courses across Scotland every year and sadly there aren't enough jobs to go round. Competition is fierce, so it’s...
02 Sep 2020
DMA Insight: The Creative Opportunity
Creativity isn’t a static concept, so it can be tricky to pin down. During the last decade, most of UK customers have felt the need to be more creative, giving brands an opportunity to engage with them in new ways. Read on to find out what creativity looks like to consumers.
07 Jul 2020
Pathways to Creativity 2020 - Activating Experience
Following the release of the ‘Pathways to Creativity 2020’ report, this series of articles will explore further examples of how brands are activating consumers creative passions. Read on to find out more about engaging your customers through ‘Experience’.