DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Unlocking the Customer with Third-Party Data - What Do You Need to Consider?

When we talk about data, we tend to go to binary 1s and 0s, but in fact, the data we hold on to customers is a representation of their story. The Customer Data Council explain how third-party data can be used to enhance your existing first-party data, as well as things you need to consider when...

Creative Data Academy Scotland 2021: A look back at our three days

A group of 30 students, graduates and career changers from across Scotland and the UK joined us at Creative Data Academy Scotland last week, to help them find out what working in the data and marketing industry is like.

Thoughtful, Conscious Marketing

We in the advertising industry must play our part in ensuring the right safeguards are in place to protect innocent people and that we produce and monitor content accordingly.

Beating the Bots - Tackling Fake Online Traffic

We owe it to ourselves and our clients to be more mindful of getting the most from our digital budgets. Following a recent DMA North Council meeting, Gilbert Hill, Chair of the DMA Responsible Marketing Committee, has shared his views on the questions digital agencies and brands should be asking...

Protecting Paws: Revisiting offline marketing to increase donors for the RSPCA

Discover how our data expertise and bespoke media strategy helped the RSPCA to gain more donors in a time when the pandemic made face to face marketing and events impossible.

Customer Data Council: The End of Third-Party Cookies

As browser providers move to offer more transparency, third-party cookies are being deprecated. ​The Thought Leadership and Best Practice Hub from the DMA Customer Data Council shares what CMOs and content marketers really need to know and the steps they can take.

How to successfully market a disruptive proposition.

"What is now proved was once only imagined." - William Blake. Visionary companies are harnessing the opportunity and using disruptive value propositions to shake up industries and inspire customers to think differently. We look at the key factors in marketing disruptive propositions...