DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Consumer Email Tracker: Deep-Dive Insights from the Email Council

The Consumer Email Tracker is highly valuable when it comes to helping marketers walk a mile in their subscribers’ shoes, providing an effective mirror for changing subscriber behaviours, especially when broader drivers are at play. The recently launched 2021 edition (sponsored by Validity) is...

Investigating E-receipts - The Opportunities for Brands

E-receipts have become the most popular method to acquire new customers as well as keeping them loyal. However, there are often potential slips under marketers’ radar. Read on to find out what e-receipts can offer.

Investigating E-receipts - What's in It for Customers and Brands

Why do consumers like e-receipts? How can they benefit businesses too? What barriers should organisations be aware of and how can they overcome them? Experts from the DMA Email Council’s Research Hub answer all these questions and more.

Who's 46% contemptible, 45% inept, 9% clueless? The ICO's fined felons, that's who

The ICO has fined almost as many rogue marketers in the past 10 weeks as all last year. So, what are these firms doing wrong? They're not being caught in the complexities of the GDPR & 2018 DPA. No, they're breaking the near 20 year old PECR rules.

ICO Publishes New Data Sharing Code of Practice

Today the ICO has released a new version of the data-sharing code of practice, originally issued in 2011.

DMA Customer Data Council: Responding to the ICO'S Experian Enforcement Notice

Hear from the Customer Data Council’s Thought Leadership and Best Practice Hub about the wider implications of the ICO’s enforcement notice against Experian and what steps you can take next.