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GDPR reality check: How does my business compare to others?

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) arrived in May this year, it signalled a new era of data privacy. Nearly four months on, how are businesses dealing with the new privacy regulation?

Don't feed the plants

Creative ways to quit your job, mindfulness with KFC and the terrifying intimacy of a loving fern. This week's news and notables from DMA writing manager, Rosanne Stewart.

Behavioural economics with the IDM

Looking to gain insight into the inner workings of your customer’s mind-set? We’ve got just the thing. The IDM have developed two exciting new courses which aim to provide a practical guide to incorporating behavioural economics into your marketing strategy.

Customer communication in the 21st century

Increasingly, sophisticated customers expect more when receiving communications from businesses. Now, people want different forms of communication: sometimes print, sometimes digital and at other times in a cross-channel format.

Are You Lagging Behind with Legitimate Interest?

Legitimate Interest is not a ‘Get out of jail free card’, but if used correctly it is a compelling way to engage with your customers. There is nothing wrong with using consent, but you stand the very real risk of decimating your marketing database.

Regulation Hub Update - August 2018

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.
Member Content

DMA privacy policies and templates

A comprehensive suite of DMA privacy policy templates, available to DMA members

GDPR fines and penalties: What are the risks?

GDPR is the biggest update to personal data rights ever. As well as, giving European citizens far greater control over the personal data held by organisations worldwide, the new regulation outlines some particularly stringent penalties for breaches.