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AD Me wins Student Marketing Competition 2018

Team AD Me from the University of Greenwich took gold place in this year's Student Marketing Competition for their repsonse to the brief set by Royal Mail.

Ad Me wins IDM Student Marketing Competition 2018

The team from University of Greenwich was presented with the Gold Award at a gala reception last night

Campaign Research: Insights from fastmap and The Team

Campaign research is an important part of planning your marketing. Public scrutiny can cause your campaigns to flop, but testing them in a sample audience first will help you consider different perspectives and learn what will work the best.

Industry Issues: What impact is direct mail having on the environment?

This mini-series discusses a range of issues facing the marketing industry. Our second instalment analyses direct mail’s impact on the environment and provides insight into what the industry is doing to help. John Mitchison, Director Policy and Compliance of DMA, explains what challenges the...

The Power of Batching: Print and Mail Processes Can Be Spared Big Costs

As a mailer, you are always looking for ways to optimise your print and mail production, as well as, save on postage costs. Sometimes even by pennies.

Is it REALLY Possible to Still Save Money in Print and Mail?

In the print and mail industry, we talk a lot about saving money through better efficiencies and postal optimisation.

Annual door drop spend remains stable despite industry uncertainty

Amidst significant political and legislative changes affecting the marketing industry, door drop spend steady over four-year period.

How B2B Companies Can Start Building a Winning Social Media Strategy

It’s a common misconception that B2B companies aren’t cut out for social media