DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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How to Integrate Digital with Direct Marketing

It’s a fact that including Direct Mail in a marketing campaign helps to increase the overall campaign ROI. But the question is how a company can use direct mail to reach those figures?

3 Key Insights on Why Supporters Don't Tell Charities When They Leave a Legacy

FEARS OF BEING BOMBARDED WITH COMMUNICATIONS PREVENT OVER 60% OF SUPPORTERS REVEALING THEIR PLANS TO LEAVE A LEGACY fastmap, Freestyle Marketing and Fi Riley, Head of Legacy Marketing at BHF, took to the stage at the IoF’s Legacy conference

Competitor Analysis - Is your marketing above benchmark?

To adopt successful marketing strategies, it is necessary to not only develop marketing insights of your own performance but to also undergo competitor analysis and take an objective view on your competitor’s performance; which is not easy.

Using Data Cleansing can improve your Direct Mail Campaign

Data cleansing is the process of finding and removing or correcting inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant or corrupted data from a database. The aim is to improve the quality of the data held and run a more successful and cost efficient DM campaign.

Direct Marketing Tips for Age Group and Lifestyle

Exploring MarkerReach research further we look into mail consumption between different life stages. Read marketing tips for each lifestyle group and create the more effective direct marketing campaign.

How Does GDPR Affect Direct Mail?

Did you know you can send direct mail to your customers and you don’t need explicit consent? With direct mail you have greater freedom to connect, engage and sell. Learn how to remain GDPR compliant so you can advertise through post with confidence.

What is the Cost of Direct Mail?

How much does a Direct Mail Campaign cost? Here are the costs and the potential ROI on all direct mail services. So you can make better-informed business decisions and start building meaningful relationships with your existing and new customers.

Direct Mail consumption through the life stages

Is there a difference between mail consumption through various life stages? MarketReach research shows there is. Read the article to understand your consumers and see their point of view.

DMA North Council Round-up September 2018

Manchester hosted the September DMA North Council at Leaf where over some tea (naturally) and coffee a selection of brands, agencies and suppliers discussed the development of the DMA North and its support of all things data, digital, creative.