DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Future Trends: Influence in the Age of Social Media

What does ‘influence’ look like as we are living between the physical and the digital world? Social media and the other digital channels are good at getting your customers’ attention, but do they influence purchasing behaviour?

UniFida launches CO2 Counter for 'greener' marketing

Marketers can now accurately measure the sustainability of their marketing campaigns

DMA and Sixth Sense Training Increase Scotland Apprenticeships

How is the DMA helping aspiring marketers get ready for the world of work? Find out about our partnership with apprenticeship provider Sixth Sense Training, DMA Scotland’s #DemocratiseDataPledge, and our new jobs board for DMA Corporate Members and Student Members.

New Technology in Print

During the pandemic, marketers have used QR codes to seamlessly drive consumers to online content or experiences. But what comes next? Find out alongside the DMA, Marketreach and other experts.
Member Content

Door Drops Guide

DMA Door Drop guide The A-Z of door drops. Everything you need to know in order to plan, design, execute and deliver a door drop campaign.

MPS: What Marketers Say

How many marketers know about mail preferences and the MPS? What’s their day-to-day experience? What are the benefits for their businesses when committing to this service? Read on to find out.

MPS: What Consumers Say

What do consumers know and think about the Mail Preference Services? What’s in it for them? Read on to find out more.

UniFida announces partnership with Haensel AMS

Combined AI technologies enable marketers to drill right down into individual campaign effectiveness by customer segment

Loyalty Marketing: which data matters most?

A loyalty program, by its’ nature, tracks every customer interaction and builds out a powerful set of marketing data, that often becomes the key to the long-term success of the program.