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DMA Insights: Values Are Changing How Consumers Shop

Could your brand support consumers by developing offerings that align with their personal values? The public look to businesses with local credentials to support their communities, feel better connected with their neighbourhoods, and make more sustainable choices

Four Tips to Improve Your D2C Strategy

Why does Direct-to-Consumer appeal to customers? Find out what the value is for shoppers and brands, and how to up your D2C game.  

RAPP wins battle of the agencies at DMA Awards 2021

Top prizes announced at the DMA Awards night 2021

All I Want for Christmas . . . is Less Email!

Six useful tips from our email experts to get ready for this holiday season!

Data Analytics for Marketers Masterclass

Learn how to increase your marketing success by turning customer data into effective intelligence. Mine your data to look for relationships and assess the influence of key variables. Use modelling techniques and segmentation methods to predict future performance and inform your strategy.
Data Analytics for Marketers Masterclass

Regulation Hub Update - November 2021

This month's regulation and compliance news from the DMA's Contact Centre Council's Regulation Hub.

Customer Data Council Provenance of Digital Identity Roundtable

The idea of a “digital identity” is increasingly prevalent, especially with organisations looking to have more security around sensitive information being shared online. The Customer Data Council participated in a roundtable discussion to answer key questions around digital identity,...

Improving Contact Centre Results & Retention through Gamification

Have you heard a lot about gamification but confused about how it can help your contact centre? The DMA's Contact Centre Council spoke to David Cooke, Head of Sales, Ireland at Connex One who showed the many ways gamification can improve agent churn, sales, plus many more challenges. Hear more...

DMA Insight: Positivity and Compassion Grows, but Challenges Ahead

How has the industry fared coming out of the challenges from the pandemic? We asked over 200 senior data and marketing professionals that judged this year’s DMA Awards about their experiences over the last year and future expectations.