DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Leading with Data - Tackling Bias

Join Olivia Gambelin, Founder and CEO, Ethical Intelligence and Firas Khnaisser, Head of Decisioning, Standard Life Aberdeen and Chair of DMA Scotland as we aim to gain a better understanding of data bias and how to tackle it.

Customer Data Council: Is Your Business Ready For Digital Transformation?

The pandemic has fundamentally changed the world as we know it. People are living differently, buying differently and in many ways, thinking differently. Read on to learn from the DMA’s Customer Data Council if your business is prepared for digital transformation.

Coronavirus: Understanding Consumers in 2021

How are UK consumers surviving the latest lockdown? How has their behaviour changed over the last 12 months? What does it mean for brands and what should (or shouldn’t) they be doing to better engage customers? Read on to find out.

Future Trends - The Subscription Economy Surge

Join the DMA, REaD Group, Pact Coffee, Santander and ReynoldsBusbyLee as we delve into the world of the subscription economy. Hear from industry experts and gain insights as to whether pandemic-boosted customer behaviours will continue in a coronavirus-free world.

Future Trends: Subscription Economy Surge

Uncertain times require anticipating and planning for multiple scenarios. For this reason, we would like to inspire you with new ideas to re-think the year ahead based on what your customers might be after. In this first article, we will focus on subscriptions, a trend that has seen a dramatic...

Merkle: Winning with Total Customer Experiences

Every business is competing for a share of customer attention, and the delivery of connected experiences that matter to customers has become the golden thread everyone is striving for. Tune in to hear from Merkle, Standard Life Aberdeen and Three to learn the benefits of creating a truly...

Marketing Automation Boosts Cross-media Campaigns

Marketing automation drives speed and efficiencies throughout the whole marketing process – but automation also allows marketers to develop and orchestrate responsive, effective omnichannel campaigns. Royal Mail MarketReach explores how marketing automation can benefit your business.

Craft in the Age of Coronavirus

Our new series, Craft in the Age of Coronavirus, shines a light on creatives educating, entertaining, and encouraging us throughout the pandemic, keeping us informed – and inspired. A huge thank you to our talented contributors for sharing the process behind their creative work.

Supporting Ethnic Minority Leaders: IDM's New Training Programme

To encourage more ethnic minority marketers to continue into leadership roles, the IDM has partnered with Culture Heroes to develop a new training programme. Find out more, including our diversity research that helped make it happen.