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Using behavioural psychology in copy

If you imagined psychology was little more then the mind games of Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct, think again. According to social innovation and service design consultant Rupert Tebb, psychology can be deftly applied to copy.

What's the benefit of the benefit of the benefit?

Benefits. It's what the government gives you when you've lost your job. You might have friends with benefits. Then there are the benefits of benefits of benefits. Google's head of design, Patrick Collister, explains.

Mark Runacus: Why your copywriter looks sad

Chair of the DMA Awards and planner at Karmarama Mark Runacus takes us through the mindset of the copywriter, and explains why he or she (sometimes at least) looks sad, and what terrifies him about the census findings

Copywriting survey: The Panel

Why Your Copywriter Looks Sad is full of angst. Google's head of design, Patrick Collister, suggests this is because : "Copywriters are paid to think... And it's bloody hard". But isn't copywriting also fun? Watch the debate here

Generation Y The Future of Work

The challenges Gen Y brings to the workforce are well documented; lack of loyalty, over confidence, dislike of hierarchy & so on. However, the provocation they provide is important. They are challenging us to rethink how we work. We need to listen. 

What buzzwords really mean

Advertising and marketing is often about making things clear, whether it's clear messaging, clear language or clear benefits. So why are so many advertising buzzwords so very opaque? We hope to shed some light

DMA election manifesto - vote for creative industries

With less than three weeks until election day, the DMA wants all parties to pay attention to the creative industries, and sign-up to our four point plan

DMA manifesto

The DMA has drawn-up four pledges for political parties to commit to, to support creative and data-driven industries.

Rory Sutherland on disruptive technology and branding

Part two of the two-part interview between SharpEnd's head of strategy Michael Bayler and Ogilvy and Mather's UK vice chairman Rory Sutherland