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DMA manifesto


The general election is fast approaching, in just over 3 weeks all votes will have been a cast and new government will (possibly) have formed.

The DMA has asked political parties to commit to four pledges to support creative and data-driven industries.

Marketing and advertising contribute significantly to the UK economy. In 2014 advertising contributed £100 billion to the economy. The advertising and marketing sector has also been one of the strongest sectors driving growth during the economic recovery. This will only increase as businesses boost their marketing spending as revenues rise.

At the epicentre of all this activity is the innovative use of consumer data. Therefore, it is crucial that any future government does not introduce legislation that unnecessarily inhibits innovation and investment in the data industry.

Any new data protection legislation must strike a balance between the interests of consumers and legitimate interests of business.

The DMA asked political parties to embrace our ideas by committing to these 4 pledges:

1) New data protection legislation should balance the concerns of consumers with the interests of business.

2) Continue to negotiate to ensure that the EU Data Protection Regulation is balanced.

3) Make sure the Information Commissioner’s Office has the funding and resources to carry out all its duties effectively.

4) Continue to have a ministerial post responsible for the digital economy.

The case for supporting the creative and data-driven industries is a powerful one.

Many technology and marketing businesses are small start-ups and precisely the kind of business driving innovation. Politicians are keen to support the sector as Boris Johnson’s comments on the so called Old Street Silicon Roundabout show: “We need to build on this impressive growth and champion London as the global leader for ambitious tech companies”.

It is not only London involved in the digital revolution. Cities like Leeds, Edinburgh, Bristol and Manchester contribute to the sector, and are hubs fizzing with entrepreneurs and new technological innovations.

Creative and data-driven industries are based throughout the UK, roughly 42% of the DMA’s own membership is situated outside London and the Home Counties.

The DMA looks forward to working with the next government to advocate on behalf of the creative and data-driven industries and ensure that they continue to thrive and drive UK economic growth.

You can read the DMA Manifesto here.

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