DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Algorithms: a marketerâs best friend or bad news?

To some they are enigmatic, troubling and potentially destructive: others talk of them as mind-blowing, future-altering and ultimately empowering. Although algorithms are an intrinsic part of our day-to-day existence, we still seem in awe of them.

Join DMA at the Festival of Marketing

Join our MD Rachel Aldighieri and chairman Julia Porter at the Festival of Marketing on November 11 and 12, where they address the audience alongside astronaut Chris Hadfield and Apprentice kingpin Alan Sugar, and as a DMA member, get 20% off

How to bring data, creativity and technology together

Watch two short videos of speakers from our 'Stop selling and start serving' event at Engine on 17 September and find out how to bring data, creativity and technology together. 

Customer acquisition - how do you perform?

We launched the first Customer Acquisition Barometer in 2014, looking at what was most important to consumers when brands want to make them customers. Take part in the 2015 survey which this year expands from B2C to include B2B acquisition.

Dave Trott: marketers are "hypnotised by complexity"

When King Henry VIII wrote Greensleves 500 years ago. "Where was Facebook?" asks our copywriters' copywriter, Dave Trott (although he claims not to be a copywriter at all). Read on to find out what this means for marketers today

Microcopy: brands that do it right

A magnifying glass on the best microcopy. It's not all innocent.


Describe London in one word. A creative challenge? Indeed, a copywriter’s challenge. Now try to get one million people involved.