DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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The Consumer Trends Making Waves in Europe 2023

It has never been more difficult, nor more important to stay one step ahead of evolving consumer habits. Today, economies in Europe are under acute pressure from rising interest rates and prices, the war in Ukraine on its borders and protracted COVID-19 lockdowns in China, which have slowed down...

Email Benchmarking Series: Deliverability Update

Following the release of the 2022 DMA Email Benchmarking Report, the DMA Email Council's research hub has prepared a series of articles explaining in more detail some of the most important aspects of the report. This article offers insights into how deliverability changed during 2021...

Email Benchmarking Series: Clicks: A Deep Dive!

Following the release of the 2022 DMA Email Benchmarking Report, the DMA Email Council's research hub has prepared a series of articles explaining in more detail some of the most important aspects of the report. This article focuses on clicks.

Customer Engagement: Future Trends 2023

The customer engagement landscape is continually evolving and growing. But what will come next? Read our latest Future Trends report, in partnership with Foresight Factory, to find out. 

Customer Engagement: Future Trends Report

As the use of third-party cookies fades away, personalisation is getting a makeover. Companies are now using their own data and AI to offer more relevant, consent-based experiences that meet customer expectations for both privacy and personal touch. Find out more in the latest Customer...
Customer Engagement: Future Trends Report 2024

Customer Engagement: How to Win Trust and Loyalty 2022

How is the cost of living crisis impacting consumer spending and loyalty habits? Dig into our latest Customer Engagement report to find out.

Email Benchmarking Report 2022

How does your email marketing measure up? The latest benchmarking insights covering deliverability, open rates, and click-through rates are ready. Uncover the state of industry email in a nutshell.