DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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What next for brands after the CEO email?

Over the past two weeks, like all other marketers, we have been asking ourselves ‘What would we do if we were a brand, in present circumstances?’

How experiential agencies can help brands keep their promises on sustainability

9 out of 10 consumers feel that companies and brands have a responsibility to take care of the planet and its people,* but agencies have been slow to respond to these growing demands for accountability and sustainability.

Webinar: 7 Essential Insights on Business Mail

Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, discuss 7 essential insights from JICMAIL uncovering the behaviour of consumers in the home. This will help you use JICMAIL more effectively in your acquisition strategies.

Ethical marketing - after all its not really YOUR data (it belongs to your customers.)

At DMA DATA 2020, a simple powerful statement was made by Firas Khnaisser that ‘data is people’. As the case study from NHS Blood and Transplant clearly highlighted, great data insight and powerful design can create a true marketing force for good.

UK Contact Centres - what's coming your way from the ICO

The ICO’s Direct Marketing Code of Practice will become the practical data protection guide for organisations seeking to stay within the law. The draft Code has been out for consultation and now the ICO is reviewing the responses it has received, including those from the DMA, which should...

Outra: How AI is Changing Retail as We Know It

Outra delve deep into how AI can help you improve the retail experience and deliver real value to today’s connected and discerning consumers

It's Not too Late to Have Your Say, Feedback to the ICO on How the Proposed Direct Marketing Code of Conduct will Affect You

We have until 4th March to feedback on the ICO's highly controversial consultation on the draft direct marketing code of practice. Share your views with the ICO and provide balance to their perspective.

How mindfulness and breathwork can help marketers

Martin Covill, TLC Marketing UK Director of Business, spent last year training as a Transformational Coach through Mindful Talent. So we sat him down to find out more and find out how we can apply this to everyday desk life.

DMA Comment: The ICO Direct Marketing Code of Practice - The Big Issues

DMA Director of Policy and Compliance, John Mitchison, takes a close look at the ICO’s draft for a Direct Marketing Code of Practice. Read through his key challenges, and get your feedback over to us by February 14.