DMA | Research, Infographic | Page 59

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How much response goes online?

Executive summary Online response is increasing Online response range: 20-83% “Personal” sectors are higher (as previous) Retail still had 20% online – and new customers! Other factors affect % response online
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Financial services tracking report 2012

At the DMA Financial Services Council, we recognise the value to our members in tracking consumer sentiments towards financial services providers, their products and the subsequent impact on usage of marketing communications and channels. We have been tracking perceptions since 2008. This report...
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Coupons shine on in hard times

Consumers love coupons, but don’t take my word for it. In a TolunaQuick survey carried out in December 2011, over 50% of UK consumers said that coupons they receive through the letterbox were really useful. And, a massive 78% said they would redeem coupons more regularly if they received them in...
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Response management report 2011

Brands looking to drive sales by encouraging prospects to request product or service information online are only managing part of the journey. To ensure the maximum number of prospects convert into sales, there are some critical steps along the way that still need to be smoothed out.
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Promoting to the mobile consumer report 2011

Consumers are generally open to promotional offers, but they have very clear preferences about where they want to receive them and the type of offers that they like. Getting the right pitch into the right channel will therefore have a positive uplift on marketing performance.  